All type of visitors can avail the facility of online ePass and get the hassle free entry to the Supreme Court of India.
Following are the various categories of the applicants, applicable online permits/Visit Type and Authorizing authorities

S.No. Visitor Type/ Category Visit Type Approved / Authorized by Remarks
1 Sr. Advocate/Advocate Court Room Sr. Advocate/ Advocate having valid Bar Council ID can online create Self Authorized ePass. Self authorized Advance ePass for one month can be created.
2 Litigant Court Room 1. Concerned AOR
2. Sr. Advocate
3. Officer in the rank of Branch Officer & Above. (Only in specific case; such as Contempt case or Court order or PIP)
Senior Advocate / concerned AOR can recommend one Litigant in particular Court No. & Item No. and total 4 litigants can be recommended
3 Party In Person - Court Room
- Oral Mentioning
- Office Block
Officer in the rank of Branch Officer & Above During approval, Approving Authority can specify for category of pass in remarks viz;
1.Advocate Enclosure
2. Court Room
3. Judges Corridor.
4 Law Clerk/Law Intern Court Room Officer in the rank of Branch Officer & Above During approval, Approving Authority can specify for category of pass in remarks viz;
1.Advocate Enclosure 2. Court Room
3. Judges Corridor.
5 Contractual Staff & Vendors/ Contractor. Office Block A. Registry Officer
B. Nodal Officers of other below offices of the SCI :
1. CGHS Wellness Centre
3. DCP Office
4. E Committee Office.
5. NALSA Office.
6. Pay & Account Office
7. SCBA Office.
8.SCI Co-operative Thrift And Credit Society
10. NIC
11.SCAORA Office
During approval, Approving Authority can specify category of pass in remarks viz;
1. Judges Corridor.
2. With Tools etc.
Note: Pass for more than a week PCC (valid Police Clearance Certificate) is mandatory
6 Journalist Press Lounge Branch Officer (Reception|) Document Required :
1. Press Id.
2. Letter signed by Chief of Bureau and Editor
One Pass for one organization
7 Others (Any other type of visitor for miscellaneous work) Office Block Visit Purpose :
- Contractor Work
- Official Visit
Others. Nodal Officers
1. CGHS Wellness Centre
3. DCP Office
4. E Committee Office.
5. NALSA Office.
6. Pay & Account Office
7. SCBA Office. 8.SCI Co-operative Thrift And Credit Society
10. NIC
11.SCAORA Office.
12. Officer/Official of the Registry (For Appointment or official/Personal Visit )
During approval, Approving Authority can specify for category of pass in Remarks viz;
1. Judges Corridor.
2. With Tools

‘Visitor/Institution Login’ is for the visitor / institution who wish to visit the SCI and to get the online ePass. To login on the portal, visitor is required to one time register on the portal.

‘Officer/AOR login’ is for the AOR, Senior Advocate, Registry Officer and other officers of the SCI. List of the AOR/Officers on-boarded on the SuSwagatam portal are available on the home page of the SuSwagatam under the link ‘Who’s Who’.

AOR/Officer can login to the portal with their registered email id/mobile no. By login to the portal AOR/officer can process the ePass request of the visitor. They can also create the pre- approved ePass of the visitor.

Yes. Login to the portal by clicking on ‘Visitor/Institution Login’. Login with your registered mobile no. On login system will display the visitor’s dashboard as below. To update profile, click on update profile. You can update all the details. Make sure that all the entered details are correct.

No. At the gate of the SCI, show the ePass sent on your email or downloaded from the portal. Please bring valid original identity proof mentioned on the ePass and uploaded by you on the portal at the time of profile creation.

You can check the status of ePass request by login to the portal. On approval / rejection of ePass request by authorizing request, you will receive SMS, email. On approval you will receive ePass on your registered email or it can be downloaded by login to the portal with registered mobile no.

1. Click on ‘Visitor/Institution Login’ .
2. Login with your registered mobile no. If not registered on the portal, Register yourself by click on the link ‘if not registered? Registration’

3. On login system will display the dashboard as below
4. Check your Category/Role and other details updated by you at the time of registration.For a litigant, the visitor activity / Role should be litigant. Make sure that profile details are correct.
5. For any discrepancy in profile, click on ‘update profile’ to update profile.

6. To create ePass request, click on the ‘Request ePass’ Fill the required information. Search your case by Court No. , Case No. Or Diary No to get the case details for confirmation.
7. Litigant ePass can be authorized by :
- Concerned AOR
- Sr. Advocate
- Officer in the rank of Branch Officer & above. (Only in specific case; such as Contempt case or Court order or PIP) Select the authorizing authority carefully. On selecting AOR as authorizing authority, system will display the list AOR of the entered case/matter.

8. Click on ‘Submit’ to submit the ePass request to the selected approving authority. Approving authority can approve/reject ePass request by clicking on the link sent on his email, SMS or by login to the portal.
9. On approval, you will receive ePass on your email or it can be downloaded by login to the portal.
10. At the entry of premises, show the ePass and valid original ID Proof uploaded by you on the portal.

Sr. Advocate/Advocate having valid bar council ID can create self-authorized advance ePass with a validity of maximum 1 month.

1. Click on ‘Visitor/Institution Login’.
2. Login with your registered mobile no. If not registered on the portal, register yourself by clicking on the link ‘if not registered? Registration’

3. On login system will display the dashboard as below.
4. Check Category/Role and other details updated at the time of registration. For a Sr. Advocate/Advocate, the visitor activity / Role should be Sr. Advocate/Advocate.
5. For any discrepancy in profile, click on ‘update profile’ to update profile. Make sure that profile details are correct and you have uploaded valid bar council ID.

6. To create ePass request, click on the ‘Request ePass’. Below screen will get open.

7. Click on ‘submit’ button to generate self-authorized ePass which can be downloaded from the portal. You will receive the ePass on your registered email ID also.
8. Active ePass can be downloaded at any time by login to the portal from the top menu ‘Today’s ePass’/ ‘Upcoming/Active ePass’.
9. At the gate of the SCI, show ePass and valid original copy of the Bar Code ID uploaded on the portal.

1 Click on ‘Visitor/Institution Login’ .
2. Login with your registered mobile no. If not registered on the portal, Register yourself by click on the link ‘if not registered? Registration’. Select ‘Applicant/Role’ as Law/Clerk/Intern. For ePass more than a week it is mandatory to upload valid PCC.
3. Check profile details, uploaded ID and Category/Role which should be Law/Clerk/Intern.
4. For any discrepancy in profile or to upload PCC, click on update profile. Make sure that profile details are correct and you have uploaded valid ID and PCC (for ePass more than a week).

5. To create ePass request, click on the ‘Request ePass’. Fill the form, click on advance pass for the ePass more than 1 day.

11. Click on ‘Submit’ to submit the ePass request to the selected approving authority. Approving authority can approve/reject your ePass request by clicking on the link sent on his email, SMS or by login to the portal.
12. On approval, you will receive ePass on your registered email or it can be downloaded by login to the portal.
13. At the entry of premises, show the ePass and valid original ID Proof uploaded on the portal.

For the ePass to meet with registry staff/officer, in the profile page select Applicant Category/Role as ‘Others’and create ePass.

1. Click on ‘Visitor/Institution Login’ .
2. Login with your registered mobile no. If not registered on the portal, Register yourself by click on the link ‘if not registered? Registration’. Select ‘Applicant/Role’ as Others.

3. On login system will display the dashboard as below
4. Check profile details, uploaded ID and Category/Role which should be Others. Make sure that profile details are correct.
5. For any discrepancy in profile, click on ‘update profile’ to update profile.

6. To create ePass request, click on the ‘Request ePass’. Fill the form. In ‘Required Permit’ select ‘office Block’ and in ‘Visit Purpose’ – ‘Official Visit’

7. By clicking on ‘Submit’, your ePass request will be submitted to the selected approving authority. Approving authority can approve/reject your ePass request by clicking on the link sent on his email, SMS or by login to the portal.
8. On approval, you will receive ePass on your email or you can download the ePass by login to the portal.
9. At the entry of premises, show ePass and valid original ID Proof uploaded on the portal.